Little Maplestead Church Evensong (2019)
The annual Choral Evensong service was held at Little Maplestead Church on the 2nd June. The weather was extremely kind to us and guests included:
Other guests included long standing friends and Members of the Order of St John in Essex, including Lord Petre, Mr and Mrs Seamus Kelly and Mrs and Mrs Falconer Wallace.
The Lord Lieutenant was superbly supported by the St John Ambulance Cadet of the Year for Essex, Jack Nunn.
The sermon was delivered by the Prelate of the Order of St John.
Following the service, our County Chaplain (the Rev Dr Robert Beaken) presented the Prelate with a cheque for £900 towards the St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem. This significant donation was raised by the parishioners of Great and Little Bardfield during Lent and Eastertide.
Little Maplestead village and the picturesque church of St John the Baptist have links to St John through the Knights Hospitaller dating back to 1185. The procession ahead of the service used to start in the village and makes its way up to the church. This annual event is unique and very special to St John in Essex.
Thanks to the Rev Gay Ellis, the Rev Dr Robert Beaken, Doreen Barton, the Horatio Singers, to June Allen and Frances Howard and to all of the team (including those at the church) who helped make the service such a success.
Special thanks to Paul Howard for the photos below (if you would like a higher resolution picture then please send a request via the "Contact" link
- The Prelate of the Order of St John, The Right Reverend Timothy Stevens, CBE GCStJ
- Lord Lieutenant of Essex, Mrs Jennifer Tolhurst
- The High Sheriff of Essex, Dr James Bettley JP MA PhD FSA DL
- The Chairman of Essex County Council and his wife, Councillor John and Mrs Susan Jowers
- Mrs Georgie Holt-Evans and Mrs Caroline Sunnucks of the Order of Malta
Other guests included long standing friends and Members of the Order of St John in Essex, including Lord Petre, Mr and Mrs Seamus Kelly and Mrs and Mrs Falconer Wallace.
The Lord Lieutenant was superbly supported by the St John Ambulance Cadet of the Year for Essex, Jack Nunn.
The sermon was delivered by the Prelate of the Order of St John.
Following the service, our County Chaplain (the Rev Dr Robert Beaken) presented the Prelate with a cheque for £900 towards the St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem. This significant donation was raised by the parishioners of Great and Little Bardfield during Lent and Eastertide.
Little Maplestead village and the picturesque church of St John the Baptist have links to St John through the Knights Hospitaller dating back to 1185. The procession ahead of the service used to start in the village and makes its way up to the church. This annual event is unique and very special to St John in Essex.
Thanks to the Rev Gay Ellis, the Rev Dr Robert Beaken, Doreen Barton, the Horatio Singers, to June Allen and Frances Howard and to all of the team (including those at the church) who helped make the service such a success.
Special thanks to Paul Howard for the photos below (if you would like a higher resolution picture then please send a request via the "Contact" link